College Scholarships in GABAB Receptor Trafficking at University College London
Study Subject(s): GABAB Receptor Trafficking
College Scholarships Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: MRC
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
A PhD in a relevant subject is required, however an exceptional candidate who is working towards their PhD and awaiting their viva would be considered for the role and would be appointed as a Research Assistant at grade 6 point 26, on the UCL salary scale (£29,435 per annum). Due to the limited period of funding for the role, the successful candidate will be required to have already gained significant expertise in confocal microscopy and single particle tracking methods using primary neurons and organotypic brain slices in tissue culture.
International Scholarship for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for a research associate to join in an experimental investigation into the mobility of GABAB receptors expressed in neuronal cell membranes. Novel reporter probes will be used to track native, wild-type and mutant receptors in the membrane using both electrophysiology, Immunofluorescence and single particle tracking methods. The successful candidate will join a team of investigators at UCL led by Professor Trevor Smart. This MRC funded post is available immediately with a start date of no later than 10 October 2011, and is funded for 8 months.
Further College Scholarships in GABAB Receptor Trafficking at University College London Information and Application letter detail click here
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