Scholarshipd 2011 in Inside International Justice by T.M.C Asser Institute and RNTC
Study Subject(s):Inside International Justice
Course Level:Fellowship
Scholarship Provider: T.M.C Asser Institute
Scholarship can be taken at: Netherlands
Specific criteria for a full scholarship: Full scholarships are available for professional journalists coming from low income countries according to the World Bank criteria: Afghanistan, Gambia, The Myanmar, Bangladesh, Guinea, Nepal, Benin, Guinea-Bisau, Niger, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Korea, Dem Rep. Somalia, Central African Republic, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Chad, Liberia, Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep Malawi, Uganda, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mozambique.
Specific criteria for a partial scholarship: Partial scholarships are available for professional journalists coming from low-middle- income countries according to the World Bank criteria: Angola, India, São Tomé and Principe, Armenia, Iraq, Senegal, Belize, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Bhutan, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Lao, PDR Sudan, Cameroon, Lesotho, Swaziland, Cape Verde, Marshall Islands, Syrian Arab Republic, Congo, Rep. Mauritania, Timor-Leste, Côte d’Ivoire, Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tonga, Djibouti, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Egypt Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tuvalu, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana, Paraguay, Yemen, Rep. Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Indonesia, Samoa.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Low income countries
Scholarship Description: T.M.C Asser Instituut and RNTC are pleased to announce that there are now 4 full scholarships and 4 partial scholarships available for participants to the course ‘Inside International Justice’. Selection Criteria Eligible Candidates: The scholarships are designed for professional journalists who otherwise might not be able participate due to financial constraints. Along with financial need, applicants must be able to demonstrate academic or professional excellence.
How to Apply: By Email
Scholarship Application Deadline: 21 October 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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